Make your log cabin ready for spring – tips to get your garden building prepared for the new season


When it comes to preparing your garden (including the garden buildings – log cabins, summerhouses, gazebos etc.) for the summer and winter, most of us know very well how and when to do it the best. However, we know a lot less about how to prepare log cabins for seasonal changes from winter to spring! Just as the gardening season, the log cabin season, with all the outdoor actives involved, can start in early spring when nature starts waking up from winter sleep. Would you like to find out how to get your log cabin ready for spring? Keep reading the article to find out the main tasks you should definitely do to make sure you’re prepared!

Log cabin spring cleaning

The first thing to do to prepare your log cabin for the upcoming outdoor springtime activities is to clean up everything that’s left behind over the winter. First, start with the indoor maintenance – sweep the cobwebs, clear out the dust, clean the windows and let the sunshine in! Meanwhile, don’t forget to organise all of the staff that’s been accumulated during the winter – find a place for the snow shovels, winter boots and other things that you won’t be using during the spring and summer. Secondly, take the spring cleaning outdoors and clean the gutters, getting rid of all the dead leaves that have accumulated during the winter.

Painting the log cabin and repairs

When the spring cleaning is done, you will be able to notice if the winter has left any damage on your log cabin. Take your time to inspect the log cabin base, the roof, the doors and the windows. Perhaps it’s necessary to change a damaged window, replace a damaged roof shingle or repair the foundation. Spring is also the right time to carry out any cosmetic repairs that you have been planning for your log cabin – treating the structure with a fresh coat of paint, building a garden path leading to your log cabin or installing a new weather wane on the roof!

Spruce up your garden

When your log cabin is all set up, take your time to spruce up your garden to set it up for the rest of the year! Plant some early spring flowers, fix the fence or redo the flower beds. Maybe you have a garden DIY project idea in mind that you have been waiting to carry out? If so, spring is the right time for it!

Did you learn how to get your log cabin ready for the spring? If you’re still looking for a log cabin, take a look at the log cabin range at

The base of a log cabin – best available options and recommendations for construction


When it comes to purchasing a log cabin, the prospective log cabin owners mainly focus on the design, the layout and the colour of the facade. Of course, if the owners want to enjoy their garden building for many years, the visual appearance is an important aspect. However, in terms of longevity of the timber structure, there are a few technical or assembly related factors that must be considered, like the quality of timber, the construction system and the base of your log cabin. In this article we are going to discuss the latter in more detail – keep reading this article if you are interested in finding out more.

Requirements for a log cabin base

Just like with any other structure, the base is a very important part of a log cabin. Most importantly, a high-quality log cabin base will ensure that your garden building won’t sink into the ground, while also preventing against the moisture building up from the ground. In addition to that, a well-built base will also help you to assemble the structure correctly, avoiding the deformation of the timber structure in the future. So, what are the main log cabin base requirements that must be met? First of all, the base must be strong and durable (considering the soil type), the base must also correspond to the size of your log cabin and it must provide good drainage as well.

Base types for log cabins

The most popular question among prospective log cabin owners is usually ”What type of base does a log cabin need”? As mentioned, it mostly depends on the type of soil and the log cabin itself. There are different types of log cabin bases that are offered, however the most popular base types among the log cabin manufacturers, builders and owners are a concrete base, a base made of paving stones, a pad foundation or a deck base.

Recommendations for construction

When it comes to building a strong and durable log cabin base, the first thing to do is to choose a type of base that’s appropriate for your garden and log cabin. Secondly, but, perhaps, most importantly, the base should be laid and levelled correctly to ensure a long-lasting log cabin. Even materials of the highest quality won’t provide a strong and durable base if the construction is done poorly. Therefore, here are the main construction recommendations – first of all, choose the right location and prepare it appropriately, by clearing the area from any bushes and trees, secondly, during the construction process, make sure that the base is laid and levelled correctly, to avoid any problems in the future.

We hope that this article has given you an insight into log cabin bases, which play a very important part in the longevity of log cabins. If you are ready to purchase your own log cabin, discover the log cabin range at

Top-Tipps wie Sie Ihr Blockhaus sicher machen und Ihre Immobilie schützen


Es gibt zwei Hauptgründe, warum Gartenblockhäuser übliche Ziele für Einbrecher sind – die wertvollen Gartengeräte und die einfachen Sicherheitssysteme, mit denen Gartenblockhäuser ausgestattet sind. Natürlich hängt die Sicherheit Ihres Gartenhauses mit der allgemeinen Sicherheit Ihres Grundstücks zusammen – des Hauses und des Gartens. Daher müssen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie ein guter Zaun, eine Innen- und Außenbeleuchtung sowie ein Haus- und Gartenalarmsystem unbedingt getroffen werden. Es gibt jedoch einige wichtige Dinge, die jeder Blockhüttenbesitzer beachten sollte, um die Gartenhütte zu sichern und Einbrüche zu verhindern. Um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, haben wir die Top-Tipps in diesem Artikel zusammengestellt!

Blockhaustüren und Schlösser

Ordnungsgemäße Türen und Schlösser sind das Erste, um das Sie sich kümmern sollten. Wenn es um die Türen und Schlösser geht, denken die Leute als Erstes daran, schwer zu brechende Schlösser zu installieren, was natürlich eine gute Idee ist. Die besten verfügbaren Schlösser schützen Sie jedoch nicht, wenn Sie die Türen Ihres Blockhauses nicht abschließen oder die Fenster offen lassen. Es mag wie ein zu simpler Tipp erscheinen, aber eine überraschend große Anzahl von Menschen sperrt ihre Blockhütten nicht ab, wenn sie sich nicht in ihrem Garten befinden, weil sie der Meinung sind, dass sie verdächtige Aktivitäten im Garten vom Haus aus bemerken. Die Wahrheit ist jedoch, dass Einbrecher oft nur wenige Minuten brauchen, um unbemerkt davonzukommen, wenn die Türen unverschlossen bleiben.

Sichere Fenster

Auch jede noch so sichere Tür kann Ihr Gartenhaus nicht vor Einbrüchen Schützen, wenn Ihre Fenster nicht ebenfalls dem höchsten Sicherheitsstandard entsprechen. Wenn Ihre Fenster von außen leicht zu öffnen oder aufzubrechen sind, müssen die Einbrecher nicht einmal versuchen, die Türen zu öffnen. Daher ist es wichtig, Fenster zu installieren, die sicher und hochwertig sind, damit Ihre Blockhütte ein schwierigeres Ziel für Einbrecher wird. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass die aktuellen Fenster Ihrer Blockhütte nicht sicher sind, Sie diese jedoch momentan nicht ändern können, gibt es einige andere Lösungen, die Sie einsetzen könnten, z. B. die Installation von Fensterstangen oder Fenstersperren im Inneren.

Vorhänge und Jalousien

Ihre Blockhütte wird zu einem begehrten Ziel für Einbrecher, wenn sie genau wissen, was sie darin finden können. Deshalb ist es eine gute Idee, Vorhänge oder Rollos in Ihrer Blockhütte zu befestigen, damit niemand hineinsehen kann. Darüber hinaus schützt es nicht nur vor neugierigen Blicken, sondern bietet Ihnen auch etwas Privatsphäre.


Maximalen Schutz für Ihre Blockhütte erhalten Sie natürlich durch die Installation eines Alarmsystems, das Sie benachrichtigt, wenn jemand eindringt und die Eindringlinge abschreckt. Es gibt eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen Systemen, zwischen denen Sie wählen können – angefangen von klassischen Alarmsystemen, die ausgelöst werden, wenn jemand die Tür öffnet oder ein Fenster aufbricht, über Sicherheitsbeleuchtung, die durch Bewegung oder Hitze ausgelöst wird, bis hin zu komplexeren Optionen, wie dem Anschluss Ihrer Blockhütte zu Ihrem hauseigenem Alarmsystem und / oder CCTV-System.

Möchten sie eine neue, sichere Blockhütte kaufen? Schauen Sie sich die Blockhüttenauswahl von Lugarde an auf

Doors for garden buildings – the best door styles for summerhouses and log cabins


When purchasing a summerhouse or log cabin, it’s crucial to pay attention to its doors. Mainly to make sure that the doors are made of premium quality materials, but also to choose a style that is functional yet complements the overall design of the timber structure. It’s quite easy to choose the right door based on the quality of materials – just choose the one that’s made of premium-quality laminated solid timber and equipped with quality locks (preferably 3-point locks), as well as double-glazed windows. Meanwhile, it can be quite a bit harder when it comes to the functionality and style of garden building doors, and people often become confused looking at the wide range of styles offered by manufacturers. To make choosing the doors for your garden building easier for you, we’ll take a look at the most popular styles of doors and explain the aspects of their functionality.

Single doors

Single doors are the most popular exterior door style for garden buildings. Both the panel doors and the doors with windows are popular among garden building owners because they are perfect for all types of garden buildings, including octagonal and corner garden buildings. In terms of functionality, the main aspect to consider is the need for natural lighting. The panel doors are recommended if a timber structure is used for storage, while doors with windows are better suited for timber structures that are used for living, working or other activities that request a source of natural lighting. In terms of the overall appearance of the garden building, single doors can be used to achieve both a classic and modern look.

Double doors

If you want to add a touch of luxury to your garden building, then double doors or French doors will be the right choice. The luxury of double doors lies in both their appearance and functionality. The wooden frame with divided glass panels will add natural lighting and an increased appeal to any garden building. The combination of the size of the door and its glass panels is an excellent source of natural lighting – moreover, the double door creates a sense of spaciousness which makes it the perfect choice for garden offices, guest houses and other living areas.

Sliding and folding doors

Garden buildings with glass sliding walls or doors are becoming more and more popular among the owners of summerhouses and log cabins who want to achieve a modern and sleek look. However, the appearance is not the only advantage – glass sliding walls are recommended if you’re looking for a versatile garden building that can be easily transformed from a closed to an open structure. Moreover, the glass panels let in a lot of natural light, while also creating a sense of continuity between the indoors and outdoors space.

Which style of doors is your favourite? If you’re still looking for the perfect garden building for your garden, then take a look at the luxury summerhouse range at

Ein Blockhaus im Garten, in dem Sie sich in Ruhe entspannen können – ein Whirlpool-Blockhaus einrichten


Haben Sie bereits eine gemütliche Lounge oder einen Grillplatz in Ihrem Garten geschaffen, aber in Ihnen fehlt noch ein Ruhebereich, in dem Sie und Ihre Familie nach einer langen Arbeitswoche entspannen können? Eine der besten Entspannungstechniken, um Stress zu reduzieren, ist die Hydrotherapie. Wenn Sie jedoch nicht gerne Wassertherapiekurse besuchen und sich lieber alleine oder mit Ihren Liebsten entspannen, ist es eine gute Idee, ein Whirlpool-Blockhaus in Ihrem Garten einzurichten. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie einen privaten Spabereich, wo Sie die Vorteile der Hydrotherapie genießen können, wann immer Sie möchten! Lesen Sie diesen Artikel weiter, wenn Sie mehr über das Einrichten eines Whirlpools in einer Blockhütte erfahren möchten!

Die Wahl des richtigen Blockhauses

Wenn Sie eine Whirlpool-Blockhütte einrichten möchten, sind die beiden wichtigsten Dinge, um die Sie sich kümmern müssen, eine hochwertige Blockhütte und ein Hydrotherapie-Whirlpool. Achten Sie bei der Wahl der Blockhütte auf die Qualität des Holzes, die Größe und das Design. Ein Home-Spa-Bereich ist eine Investition, die Ihnen für eine lange Zeit dienen sollte, daher achten Sie auf das Holz und das Bausystem für das Modell, das Sie mögen, um sicherzustellen, dass es stabil und langlebig ist. Der zweite zu berücksichtigende Aspekt ist die Größe – die Blockhütte muss groß genug für den Whirlpool sein. Sie müssen auch entscheiden, ob Sie ein zusätzliches Zimmer im Gebäude haben möchten, wo Sie eine Lounge oder eine Sauna einrichten können. Anschließend bewerten Sie, welche Art von Design am besten zu Ihrem Home-Spa-Konzept passt. Vielleicht ist es eine Blockhütte mit einer Überdachung, wo man nach dem Entspannen ein Glas Wein trinken kann oder vielleicht eine Blockhütte mit Glasschiebewänden, sodass man die Wand öffnen kann, um den Garten zu genießen?


Wenn Sie eine Blockhütte gefunden haben, die Ihren Anforderungen in Bezug auf Qualität, Größe und Design entspricht, ist die Isolierung der nächste Schritt. Mit einer isolierten Blockhütte können Sie den Whirlpool unabhängig vom Wetter genießen. Eine geeignete Isolierung hält die Struktur im Sommer kühl und im Winter warm und trocken. Stellen Sie daher vor dem Kauf eines Blockhauses sicher, dass es für die Isolierung von Wänden, Dächern und Böden geeignet ist. Denken Sie auch daran, eine qualitativ hochwertige Blockhausbasis zu bauen – das wird Ihnen bei der Langlebigkeit Ihrer Blockhütte helfen!

Wählen Sie einen Whirlpool

Wenn Sie die richtige Blockhütte gefunden haben, ist es Zeit, den Whirlpool zu wählen. Abhängig von Ihrem Budget und Ihren Wünschen können Sie sich entweder für einen Jacuzzi oder einen Whirlpool mit vielen verschiedenen Funktionen und Einstellungen entscheiden.

Möchten Sie in Ihrem Garten eine Blockhütte mit einem Whirlpool aufstellen? Werfen Sie einen Blick auf, um die richtige Blockhütte für Ihre Pläne zu finden!

Choosing the right porch type: an open front porch vs. a porch with glass sliding walls


Have you considered attaching a porch to your home, to expand your living space outdoors? What type of porch do you prefer – an open porch or a screened porch with sliding glass walls? If you haven’t thought about the options you have, first of all, you must learn more about the types of verandas offered by manufacturers, and then evaluate what kind of timber structure – an open, or a partly closed one – do you need. Before you decide, read this article to find out which type of porch is more suitable for you!

An open front porch

An open porch with railings is a classic design that people choose to complement the house and to add some extra living space. What is the main advantage of such an open timber structure? It provides shelter from the sun and rain! Set up a cosy lounge area with a coffee table and lounge chairs and enjoy your garden regardless of the weather. Open design verandas are available with flat or apex roofs to allow the structure to perfectly blend into your property.  Whether you opt for a classic white porch or a porch with a more rustic appearance, it will make your house and garden look like brand new!

A porch with sliding glass walls

If you want to get a better protection from the rain and wind, as well as to be able to use the extension all year round, you have to opt for a porch with glass sliding walls. Thanks to the sliding glass walls, a screened porch is extremely versatile. Open the sliding glass walls when the weather is nice, to enjoy a cup of tea in the sun or close the doors when it’s raining. In fact, a porch with sliding glass walls is hardly even a porch at all – it’s more like a living room where you can bring all your family and friends together.

A bespoke design veranda

Do you want to design a bespoke porch to combine the best of the aforementioned porch types, creating a partly closed timber structure? Maybe you are looking for specific measurements, to make sure the porch fits your house perfectly? Choose the bespoke design option provided by manufacturers to create your own design that perfectly meets your needs and reflects your style!

If you want to give your home a makeover, while also creating extra living space, a porch is what you need! Whether you’re looking for an open porch or a porch with glass sliding walls, discover the range of luxury verandas at

A log cabin garden guest house – the best accommodation solution for guests


Do you often host overnight guests in your home? And do you have to deal with having only a small space for them or no guest room at all? If you are living in a small home, where having guests can make you feel uncomfortable, but you still enjoy hosting your friends and family, you have to find a solution to the guest accommodation issue. In case if you have a garden, the easiest way to give your guests a little space is to set up a guest log cabin. This way you can give them a little privacy as well as keep your personal space for yourself. Could this be a suitable solution for you and your guests? Keep reading this article to find out how a log cabin guest house can ease hosting overnight guests!

The size

Before you head to a sales point to choose a log cabin you like, you have to consider the size of the log cabin for your guests. To find the perfect size for both your garden and your guests, first of all, evaluate the size of your garden. Do you have enough space for a multi-room log cabin or do you have to choose a single-room log cabin? Secondly, think over how many guests usually visit you at once and how long they stay. If you usually host a couple, a small log cabin will do, however, if you host more people at once, consider investing in a larger log cabin. The same applies to the time you guests spend at your house – if they stay longer, more space will be needed to make them comfortable.


Summer is the time when people tend to visit each other more often. However, if you have decided to set up a guest log cabin, make sure your guests will be able to stay there comfortably during the Christmas holidays as well. To turn your log cabin into one you can use all year long, you have to take care of the insulation and heating.  An insulated log cabin, equipped with an appropriate heating system, is going to be welcoming and cosy all year long.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a guest log cabin to give your guests a little privacy? Imagine no more chaos and mess at home while your friends and family are staying over! To find your perfect guest log cabin head to!

The perfect working space – a log cabin home office


What do you like the best about the idea of working from home? Saving on travel time and costs, maybe being away from the city or having a private workspace? While working from home has many advantages, it also poses some challenges – your work-life balance, for example. To create and maintain a healthy work-life balance the only thing you can really do is to separate your living and working spaces. If you have a spare room, you can set up an office at home, but if you don’t have a free space at home and you want to avoid any distractions – assemble a log cabin home office in your garden. If you want to learn more about the advantages of working from a garden office, keep reading this article!

Save time and money

If a commuter lifestyle is what makes you anxious and exhausted, maybe it’s the right time to consider the option to work remotely. In addition to mental health benefits, working from your own garden office can be quite beneficial in terms of saving the travel time and money. The sooner you start working remotely from your garden office, the sooner you can start to forget about the early mornings, late evenings and rush hour traffic. With a log cabin home office in your garden, you will also save you money on travel expenses, food, and coffee.

A sustainable home office

If it is important for you to support global sustainability and lessen your impact on the environment, choosing a log cabin home office is the right choice. Since timber is natural, reusable and recyclable, it is the most environment-friendly building product. Moreover, a timber structure is healthy to live and work in.

Timber is not only a sustainable building material but also a great choice for creating a relaxed workspace interior. The timber walls and wooden floors give the workspace a cosy yet productive atmosphere.

Use your garden office all year round

With a log cabin garden office, you can enjoy working from your garden all year round. A properly insulated garden office provides excellent working conditions in terms of temperature, humidity, and ventilation, and it’s more energy efficient as well. If you enjoy working from home, don’t quit it just because the temperature is dropping. Just take care of the insulation and heating for your garden office.

How do you feel about working remotely? Is it the right thing for you, but you need to work on a healthy work-life balance? Find your perfect garden office at

Multi room log cabins – a great option for expanding living space outdoors


Log cabins are available in different shapes and sizes. You can choose a small and cosy log cabin for storage or, alternatively, you can also invest in a large multi-room log cabin and set up a garden office or a gym. Have you ever thought about expanding your living space outdoors? Maybe an extra bedroom, a kid’s playroom or an outside kitchen in your garden is exactly what your family needs! If you have been thinking about investing in a log cabin, keep reading to find out how to make the most out of it!


A Hobby room

A multi-room log cabin is a perfect place for hobbies. Do you and your partner share the same hobby? Or maybe your kids or grandkids have a hobby that needs extra concentration and a quiet space? Who would get the spare room if everyone needs one?

A large multi-room log cabin will definitely resolve the issue! Just imagine – everyone having a separate room where to practice or relax. Moreover, what can be more satisfying than to paint or practice piano in the middle of your own garden on a sunny summer day?


A second home

If you have a small house, but you want to create a special gathering place for friends and family, a large log cabin can serve as your second home! Arranging a living room, a separate bedroom or even a home cinema room will soon make it become your family’s favourite place! This way you get a place where to organize birthdays and garden parties without having to invite people to your small home!


A spacious guest house

Do you often have overnight guests and you’re short on space for hosting them? Creating a temporary space for your guests would solve many problems and unpleasant situations for you and your family. A large log cabin with multiple rooms is perfect for this because you can not only set up two or more bedrooms, but also a living room and a kitchen. Thereby your guests will feel comfortable and will visit you more often!

To find the perfect log cabin for your property, you choose between various sizes and shapes. However, the larger the log cabin, the more options you have! With a multi-room log cabin, you can set up a second home or even a guest house in your own garden! Find the model of log cabin that’s perfect for you at

Turn your garden house into the ultimate garden SPA

You can use your garden house for different purposes and activities. A garden house can serve as a home office, a guest room or a kids’ playroom – no matter what the current needs of your family are, the extra living space at the bottom of your garden is a great investment. However, purchasing a garden house is not just about expanding the living area into your garden, a garden house can also help to carry out a very special project for you and your family – like setting up a garden spa & sauna, for example. Do you have a special garden house project on your mind? Keep reading to find out how to turn a garden house into a garden wellness centre.

Reduce your stress in your garden

Hydrotherapy offers many health benefits, such as reducing stress levels and relieving sore muscles. Unfortunately, the British weather is not suitable for bathing under the sky. However, if you wish to enjoy relaxing hydrotherapy procedures in your garden, you can install a hot tub in a garden house. A hot-tub garden house will provide you both the privacy and the relaxing environment.

How to create the appropriate environment? It all depends on you! If your goal is to create a relaxing zen space, decorate the room with lounge chairs, mood lighting, and maybe even a massage table! Don’t forget about music, indoor plants, and aromatherapy elements as well. If you plan to create a contemporary spa area, consider setting up a bar and a TV room.

Relax with Yoga

If you find a private spa room too expensive, you can relax in your garden house without additional expenses. One of the best ways to relax after a hard day at work is to do yoga. Whether you want to relax before sleep or to fight the stress, yoga relaxation techniques can help you a lot to unwind after a long day. All you need for practicing yoga at home is a yoga mat and a quiet space. If it is hard to find a quiet room in your home, then turn your garden house into your private paradise of meditation and relaxation. Maybe you have never thought about your garden house as a place to escape from daily stress, but it is the best place to recover your mental and physical health.

Whether you prefer an evening in a hot tub or a meditation session, a garden house is a perfect place to relax after a long day at work.  Are you looking for a garden house or do you have a bespoke design on your mind? Take a look at the range of luxury garden houses at or design your own one with the unique 3D-configurator!